Monday, February 13, 2012

LOVE FACTS: My Valentine Dance...

Your eyes draw me closer in to you
Your hand beckoning me to where you sit
leaning confidently
at ease in the crease of the couch
I am afraid of your love
unsure of it's ability to cover me
to keep me safe
So I hesitate to react.
You move forward to pull me in
I step back
We are in a dance
a Tango
You pursue,
I withdraw
only to suddenly be yours
as the music of our hearts comes to a crescendo
Rushing me to your arms
I am lifted up
unable to resist
I need you
I want you
even more
as you wrap me up into you
pressing me against your heart beat
It plays like a drum to me
beating out a rhythm
soft and strong
my life-song
in a beat, beat, beat, boom!
I wonder at how I could have resisted this dance with you for so long
You are all that I ever imagined
and more
I love you, Lord.

"The Dance" © 2010 Kalinago Woryi

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