Friday, April 8, 2011

POETIC FACTS: An eye for an eye leaves us all blind...

As I danced upon beats and wiled the time away in laughter & bubbles of little children's playful smiles
Somewhere miles away many more children died on a playground
Shot down by missiles aimed at parents targetted to pay the price for the greed and vice of a few
Somehow I no longer believe in the motto of a team
'All for one and one for all,' that leads to the massacre of victims who pay all for the price of one
But what do you teach your children to prevent further killing
when every notion of individualism is to attain greatness for self? - even at the cost of all else
It seems the world is upside down and right side out toting gun and cannon
Seeking our own plan not considering that someday, blood will be shed  in our own backyard
and the enemy will be our children
swinging in playgrounds
chasing bubbles
while missiles aim to shoot them down...

"As My Children Played"
© 2011 Kalinago Woryi

FACT:  The International Criminal Court has estimated that 10,000 people have been killed in the Civil War in Libya, as of March 7th, 2011. Many of those killed have been children - whether by the hands of their fellow countrymen, or by the hands of those foreign military involved in the global response to the Civil War. 
I pray the mercy of God on their Souls, and PEACE to their Nation. And I pray every Nation involved will see truth and respond with the Brotherhood necessary to save our children.


  1. Great thinking my daughter, you have not lost your touch.

  2. "Tipping a hat to Mr. Churchill, perhaps democracy is indeed the worst form of government, except for all of the others that have been tried. It can help the populous hold their government to account and dismiss those failing to deliver. But in and of itself, democracy offers no guarantee that the government will be competent, honest or concerned for the good of the people it seeks to govern.
    As the tectonic plates of Middle Eastern politics shift, we in this Foundation are less concerned about the emergence of democracy (though this is important) than we are about a ramping up of historic tensions. Be it Sunni against Shia, Muslim against Christian, Israeli against all their neighbors, these conflicts have greater power to destroy than the political ideal of democracy has to heal.
    It would be a tragedy to see nations on the cusp of economic development; emerging markets ripe for global investment; smashed by needless sectarian violence. We hope and pray that that this will not happen."

    Lord have mercy - OH THE GREED OF MAN

  3. While I firmly believe in a more "democratic" system of accountability for government, it's bureacracy does not always lend itself to be the fairest answer when such dominating sectors of thought are at war and ideological odds. Humanity being what it is, people cannot be trusted to be objective when their interests are at stake. We can only pray that, in the Middle East, their hearts are softened towards each other for the sake of the common good. God have mercy, indeed.
