Thursday, October 7, 2010

MIC-CHECK 1-2: Reality FACT

I never believed in PMS (that would be 'Pre-menstrual Syndrome' to y'all Gentlemen) until I experienced it for myself! No! Really, TMI aside...It wasn't until I felt the symptoms of PMS - bloating, cramps, back pain, and mood swings, that I started to believe what other women were telling me. I mean I had periods before, and was like, "what's the big deal? These women are tripping!"... but maybe because I went years without one, that when they kicked in, they really kicked in - ya know what I mean? So finally, BOOM! Two decades after the first period, I am truly experiencing what it means to have PMS!

Well, MIC-CHECK pon dee reality of life - You will never believe in Christ until you experience Him working in and through you and your ego (bloating); your pain (cramps); your troubles (back pain); and your sin (mood swings). You may go to church, say you 'love the Lord', say you believe in God, just like a woman can say she has a menstrual cycle, but until you allow Christ to show you who God is and who you are in Him, you will not know what it is like to truly experience God and to truly claim faith in how He works IN you and THROUGH you, just as I never truly believed in PMS until I became a bloating, cramping, back-aching, crankier-than-hell-under-my-halo-hat kinda mess!

And Gentlemen, if you just can't relate this feminine experience to your faith walk - wait till your mojo needs a blue pill to keep it going! I suggest you get friendly with the Great Physician (aka God), now - before you become the poster boy for ED.

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