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Ladies, I doh believe in sharing my man, you know. But long time I know dere would come a day when I would have ta let my husband speak to a nexx woman and fing. Since before I married him, Mr. Lynn A Jackson, aka @JesusSpoke, has patiently waded through the tall stack of my emotional luggage, lovingly waiting for me to finish RE-packing, so we can juss get on dee plane to our romantic (read: exotic) getaway. Yes bwoy! I done make dat man work carrying my load! So Ladies, I can tell you for sure...he know a likkle sumpTing about our broken places ...This is the podcast message intro and a weblink to his most latest podcast on The Day Jesus Spoke Hip Hop website...listen up!
What up ladies?
If you don't know by now, I want you to know right now that you are God's fearfully and wonderfully made woman. I know some of you have been subjected to some profoundly negative images of yourself by both men and women, but God created you with intent. Even if the people who brought you to this planet didn't plan on having you here, God has a plan for you and that starts with you submitting your life to Him through Christ.
With this series of podcast it is my intention to help you grow in God's presence. His presence in your life will change everything around you.
Your first task; Stop listening to man ...
The Day Jesus Spoke Hip Hop™: SumpTing for tha Ladies - Part 1...And, what would be a FACTS blog, without a likkle musical serenade nah? .... Ladies! May I introduce to you one of, This'l's signed Artists, on his Full Ride Music Group label....... RECONCILE!
FOLLOW: Lynn A. Jackson
@iamLIVINSOUL http://twitter.com/iamlivinsoul
@JesusSpoke http://twitter.com/JesusSpoke
@livinsoul_MIN http://twitter.com/livinsoul_MIN
@livinsoul_ENT http://twitter.com/livinsoul_ENT
* LIVINSOUL® International Ministries - http://www.facebook.com/pages/LIVINSOUL-International-Ministries/184278458268631
* The Day Jesus Spoke Hip-Hop™ - http://www.facebook.com/TheDayJesusSpokeHipHop
* LIVINSOUL® Entertainment - http://www.facebook.com/LivinsoulEntertainment
FOLLOW: Thi'slTwitter: @Thisl https://twitter.com/Thisl
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/iamthisl
Twitter: @ReconcileUS http://twitter.com/reconcileus
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ReconcileUS
Twitter:@FullRideMusic http://twitter.com/fullridemusic
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FullRideMusic