Friday, August 27, 2010

FACTOID-THINKER: things that make me go 'hmmm'

1. All 'forests' contain a dense population of trees & vegetation, & are home to wildlife.
2. All 'jungles' contain a dense population of trees & vegetation, & are home to wildlife.
3. 'Forests' are geographically located in non-tropical lands, usually considered a part of the 'developed' world.
4. 'Jungles' are geographically located in tropical lands, usually considered a part of the
'under-developed' world.
5. Most of the 'developed' world contain high populations of non-Blacks, while most of the population of the 'under-developed' world are non-white.
6. Stereotypical images of the 'forest' are of a serene, calm, thriving natural habitat.
7. Stereotypical images of the 'jungle' are of a wild, untamed, dangerous region.

Is it just me or are there some correlations, here, between racist perceptions of people and how we classify 'things' and places associated with one or another particular racial group(s)?


  1. Hmmm indeed! Information is the key to whom controls the power structure that authors the information thats distributed to those that lack the information that generalizes the subject which promotes identifying with the information that is FALSE!

    ahem! LOL

    whites control the media, non-white and blacks consume the media and digest false identity and false cultural motives that subconsciously destroy their chances/hopes/dreams of ever being in control of the media they digest. We will forever be on the "demand" end of the food chain as long we exhibit and propogate the qualities reflected in the stereo types directed at us. We, on a whole, would have to go leaps and bounds away from the picture that hollywood/tv/music/news paints in order to be taken serious by the would be defectors in this imperialistic scheme.

    People "want to see" positivity from other races, and that goes both ways. It's beyond novelty when you have a good friend that is not of your same race, we will actually gravitate to it because we are HARD WIRED to be a family - no matter the color of our skin. (God is a true genius).

    It's even believed in some circles (I also share this view) that inter-racial children are granted certain PLUSES to their beauty that make both "sides" have great admiration. i.e: Halle Berry, once said to be on the most beautiful women, is the product of inter-cultural-mating (LOL).

    That's my $.02.

  2. @vultcha - no man! That was a whole dollar of thought right there! lol! I love it! I am with you on your monetary donation...though, I'm giving you back some change on your last point:

    "It's even believed in some circles (I also share this view) that inter-racial children are granted certain PLUSES to their beauty that make both "sides" have great admiration. i.e: Halle Berry, once said to be on the most beautiful women, is the product of inter-cultural-mating"

    Come on man! It's 2010, enough already about these Eurocentric notions of "ethnic (hate that word!) beauty". For every inter-racial (hate that word even more!) person I consider beautiful, I could find an equal number of them completely unattractive. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. At the deepest core of the sense of the word, we are all beautiful - having been made in God's image...what each of us finds attractive - physically and inwardly as a form of beauty is a whole other matter - and our sense of beauty is always impacted by the ideas and information we process as we grow in our environment.

    Variety is the spice of life...
