It would seem, of late, that all I yap about on here is pain...but the FACT about life is that Love outweighs sorrow, no matter what our circumstances are. Even if you are homeless out on the street, experiencing financial woe, beaten up, abused, misused and outcast, there is Love. Whether you have been shown Love during childhood, or whether you were robbed of being loved by those who could not appreciate the beauty and majesty God placed in you, there is Love. Whether your life is filled with everyday stresses, emotional turmoil, health maladies, depression, sadness and trial, there is still Love. Whether you have allowed the way others have treated you, and the way the trials of life, love and pain have overwhelmed you and negatively affect your perception of Love, to lower your desire for and expectation of Love, to stop loving yourself and others, it does not change the existence of Love...
Don't allow any life circumstance, any past or present abuse and neglect, nor any person, place or thing, nor even your own self to rob you of the Love that is in this world. He is the HOPE for all humanity. He is LOVE...Jesus, The Christ, the One and only Son of the Living, Loving God, who will not forsake, deny, neglect, nor abuse the gift that you are to the world...allow Him to LOVE YOU out of your circumstances!
Don't allow any life circumstance, any past or present abuse and neglect, nor any person, place or thing, nor even your own self to rob you of the Love that is in this world. He is the HOPE for all humanity. He is LOVE...Jesus, The Christ, the One and only Son of the Living, Loving God, who will not forsake, deny, neglect, nor abuse the gift that you are to the world...allow Him to LOVE YOU out of your circumstances!
Hurry Hurry
Hold me close
let's dance the night away.
Far from this maddening crowd
that tugs at me, and shouts, so well, my name.
They speak with tongues of angels
to draw me closer in,
yet upon first glance in body's heat
I see they are but men.
Lead me to that place upon the Rock
where immortality leans.
Hold me close and engage me in dance
for it's You I ever need.
Whisper softly in my ear
as You draw me nearer still.
Let me hear Your voice that calms my ever raging seas.
You are like no other,
no finer dancer could I wish,
to pin me to Your pulsing heartbeat
in Love's warmest caress.
I lay my head upon You
as sweet pillow in awaited sleep.
I feel Your arms surround me
with a hold so sure and true
as your hands smooth down my back
and lay cupped in stoic groove.
I am imprisoned by Your embrace
as You lock me into You.
Yet here I stand in Love's sweet clasp -
free to dance among the grooves,
as You whisper, my Lord, so intently,
'All this night I have waited, for only you.'
Hold me close
let's dance the night away.
Far from this maddening crowd
that tugs at me, and shouts, so well, my name.
They speak with tongues of angels
to draw me closer in,
yet upon first glance in body's heat
I see they are but men.
Lead me to that place upon the Rock
where immortality leans.
Hold me close and engage me in dance
for it's You I ever need.
Whisper softly in my ear
as You draw me nearer still.
Let me hear Your voice that calms my ever raging seas.
You are like no other,
no finer dancer could I wish,
to pin me to Your pulsing heartbeat
in Love's warmest caress.
I lay my head upon You
as sweet pillow in awaited sleep.
I feel Your arms surround me
with a hold so sure and true
as your hands smooth down my back
and lay cupped in stoic groove.
I am imprisoned by Your embrace
as You lock me into You.
Yet here I stand in Love's sweet clasp -
free to dance among the grooves,
as You whisper, my Lord, so intently,
'All this night I have waited, for only you.'
"Tongue of Angels" - © 2010 Kalinago Woryi
Music by Pastor Ad3, featuring Swoope, and produced by Tony Stone:
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