I was reading this blog The RAS Report: Opt Out about a student form I was totally insulted to receive from my children's school last year, and it seems I was not the only one with raised eyebrows. This short blog outlined precisely my concerns when my children's elementary school sent home a form offering students to opt out of listening to President Barack Obama's Back to School Address to Students across the Nation at the beginning of the school year. The FACT is that this type of Address to students is no new occurrence in the Presidency of the United States of America, yet, following the popular voting-in of the Nation's first African-American President, here I was for the first time in my, then, 11 years of parenthood, and 3 separate Presidencies in my residency in the U.S.A, being offered the 'opportunity' to opt-out my students from hearing what the Leader of our Nation wished to say to them to encourage and inspire them, as many other Presidents have done before him.
I like the author of the quoted blog, Delbert 'Ras' Harris', angle of focus on this incident...but the FACT is, while I certainly considered his wider focus in my initial reaction to the opt-out form, I was more focused and angered by the blatantly racist stunt that got pulled off as student and parent 'options'. A handful of things totally peeve me in life - and one of them is the attempt to disguise racist and political motives as politically correct and 'inclusive'. As one of my favorite Rappers and Bloggers says...GROW THE HECK UP!!!
I like the author of the quoted blog, Delbert 'Ras' Harris', angle of focus on this incident...but the FACT is, while I certainly considered his wider focus in my initial reaction to the opt-out form, I was more focused and angered by the blatantly racist stunt that got pulled off as student and parent 'options'. A handful of things totally peeve me in life - and one of them is the attempt to disguise racist and political motives as politically correct and 'inclusive'. As one of my favorite Rappers and Bloggers says...GROW THE HECK UP!!!
Culturally Conservative
Back over 500 hundred years to a DARK Continent
Made RED with BLOOD
Wet with TEARS from MEN
Who couldn’t protect their WOMEN and CHILDREN
From the onslaught of the Culturally Conservative
Self-imposed Massa
Who kept their BROTHER and SISTER in cages in dungeons downstairs
Who kept their BROTHER and SISTER in cages in dungeons downstairs
While they prayed overhead to a God they claimed was theirs alone.
Culturally Conservative
Just yesterday they tried to rob another BLACK MAN of his POWER
To save face of a WHITE Sister who cannot compete
BLACK MAN come a long way since slavery
No longer fighting for his life
But STILL fighting for RESPECT -
Now he must prove himself to the women and children
He could not protect from the Culturally Conservative
Self-imposed Massa
Who wants them to believe a BLACK MAN cannot make it into the
Culturally Conservative
Hear the MEDIA MACHINE cranking out nonsense in between the lines of
‘Obama still struggling to win key constituencies’
Ignoring the FACT that a BLACK MAN
has won more States, POPULAR VOTES, and Delegates
than C-LIE-nton.
Purporting that the AMERICAN VOTER
will not vote a BLACK MAN into the WHITE HOUSE
If he is pitted against a WHITE Man
Culturally Conservative
Self-imposed Massa
Trying to keep even his own kind in cages in dungeons downstairs
While they pray overhead to OUR GOD
That a NIGGER won’t make it into their WHITE HOUSE
That a NIGGER won’t make it into their WHITE HOUSE
Culturally Conservative
Will WE, as a NATION, a melting pot of GOD’s PEOPLE
overthrow this Culturally Conservative
Self-imposed Mindset for one that says to us ALL
"Culturally Conservative"
© Kalinago Woryi 2008